Videopremiere: Laura Lee (Gurr) & the Jettes besingen den übergriffigen „Craigslist Boy“

„Somehow as women we often find ourselves in these situations where we have to justify that we do not wanna go out with someone. And this is not only annoying but for a lot of us also creates a feeling of unsafety because unfortunately, a lot of us have experienced that no will not be taken as an answer.“

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Laura Lee ist bekannt als ein Teil des Indierock-Duos Gurr. Wie ihre Partnerin Andreya Casablanca macht Laura Lee auch abseits von Gurr Musik – aktuell mit ihrem Projekt Laura Lee & the Jettes. Das von Max Rieger produzierte Debütalbum WASTELAND soll am 3. Dezember 2021 erscheinen. Mit „Absolut“ und „Caterpillar“ sing bereits zwei Singles daraus erschienen, nun folgt die dritte: „Craigslist Boy“ ist seit dem 13. Oktober im Stream zu hören, das dazugehörige Video feiert jetzt auf Premiere.

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Der Clip wurde von Stefanie Schmid Rincon gedreht. Sie visualisiert darin „den Song, der ungewollte sexuelle Aufmerksamkeit in Alltagssituationen – wie z.B. im Supermarkt oder in Antworten auf eine Anzeige via eBay Kleinanzeigen – aufarbeitet“, wie das Plattenlabel Duchess Box Records mitteilt. Laura Lee sagt ausführlicher über die Entstehung und Aussage von „Craigslist Boy“:

„During the pandemic I sold some of my old furniture and clothes on ebay Kleinanzeigen, the German version of craigslist. One guy wanted to buy a shelf from me, which I had already reserved for someone else, so I declined and deleted the insert. He then asked me out for a date, having seen seen my profile picture on Whatsapp. And I thought to myself: Is everything now a dating app? Can I just sell my furniture online without being asked out? I replied, „No thanks, I’m married with children“, which still unfortunately is the only answer some guys will take as a no. So I talked to a lot of my friends about this situation and they all shared similar stories: Being asked out by the guy at their Späti (local Berlin supermarket), being asked out at the post office, dentist, even by people you swiped left on Tinder who then chased them down on Facebook. Somehow as women we often find ourselves in these situations where we have to justify that we do not wanna go out with someone. And this is not only annoying but for a lot of us also creates a feeling of unsafety because unfortunately, a lot of us have experienced that no will not be taken as an answer.“

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Laura Lee hat mit Gurr bisher ein Album (IN MY HEAD, 2016) sowie zwei EPs veröffentlicht.