Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

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Text und Musik: John C. Fogerty CREEDENCE CLEARWATEH REVIVAL auf Bellaphon

Vers I:

Someone told me long ago, There’s a calm before the storm, I know, It’s been comin‘ for sometlme. When it’s over, so they say, it’II rain a sunny day. I know, shinin‘ down like water.


I want to know: Have you ever seen the raln comln‘ down a sunny day?

Vers II:

Yesterday and days before, sun is cold and rain is hard, I know, been that way for all my time. ‚Til forever on It goes, thru the clrcle fast and slow, I know, it can’t stop, I wonder.


I want to know: Have you ever seen the rain comin‘ down a sunny day? und Schluss

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