Easy Listening

Songs mit Gipfel 1 . The Mountain Bob Seger 2. King Of The Mountain Bon Jovi 3. Fool On The Hill The Beatles 6. Mountain Top Amy Grant S.KiUmanjaro The Teardrop Explodes b. Hohe Berge Frl. Menke 7. Taking Tiger Mountain Brian Eno 8. Mount Everest Sings The Blues The Korgis 9. Black Mountain Side Led Zeppelin 10. In The Dutch Mountains The Nits 11 . Kiss The Dirt (Falling Down The Mountain) INXS 12. River Deep, Mountain High Ike & Tina Turner 1 3. Go Teil It On The Mountain Blind Boys Of Alabama 14.Am’t No Mountain High Enough Marvin Gaye 15. Mountain Jam Allman Brothers i&.Holidayam Marterhorn (incl.
Gipfelsturm] Kraan 17. Mountain 01 Love Beach Boys 18. Move Mountains Jesus Jones 1 9.5hadows On The Mountainside The Tea Party 20.1 ve Never AskedTo Be Your Mountain Tim Buckley 21 . Bergnot Haindling 22. Auf hohem Felsen lag ich träumend Richard Wagner 23.“PonAHillT.Rex 24. K2 Silo 25. Felsis Rache Josei Winkler Experience