Adam Green über New York
So sehr Adam Green seit Jahren dem alten Europa verbunden ist, so klar ist doch seine Herkunft als New Yorker. Im Big Apple weiß er, wo es die beste Musik, das beste Essen und die nettesten Leute gibt. Die Kolleginnen von haben nachgefragt und uns Adams Weisheiten freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt.

zur deutschen Übersetzung >>> zur deutschen Übersetzung >>> Wo läuft die beste Musik? Adam Green:
Waikiki Wally’s – (99 E. 2nd st. Between 1st ave. And Ave. A) This bar specializes in giant tropical drinks intended for sharing. I like to go there on a double date and get the blue drink with four straws. The bartender will give you a traditional Hawaiian necklace if you ask for one. The bathroom is connected to a transvestite bar next-door so it’s easy to go home with a she-male.
Wo krieg ich nachts noch was Leckeres zu essen? Adam Green:
Supper Restaurant (156 E. 2nd. St. Between Ave. A and Ave. B) This is one of my favorite Italian restaraunts. I especially recommend the Bolognese sauce. The bruschetta and avocado salad are also delicious as is the weekly chicken special. It is nice when restaraunts have a small menu where everything is good.
Welchen Laden sollte ich unbedingt besuchen? Adam Green:
Music Inn (169 w. 4 st. Between Cornelia St. And Jones St.) Let me clarify that this store sells musical instruments, not records. I bought my friend some bagpipes from here. They have been open since the sixties and specialize in obscure instruments from all over the world. They are the perfect place to buy a Turkish Saz or an Egyptian flute. You can barely walk into the store it is so filled with instruments. It’s like Harry Potter in there.
Wo traue ich meinen Augen kaum? Adam Green:
Walk over the Williamsburg Bridge. After you get bored of Manhattan you’ll probably want to venture into Brooklyn anyway… so why not walk there and get a great view of the city while doing it.
Wo kann ich mich hinflüchten? Adam Green:
Chinatown is an exciting, mysterious part of New York. Somehow it seems separate from everywhere else. It’s as if the people in Chinatown have no idea that the rest of the city exists. This is the reason why I like to wander here… I still haven’t found the opium den I was looking for.
Welche lokale Spezialität wird total überschätzt? Adam Green:
I suppose that Little Italy used to be a great place to eat Italian food, it is certainly not anymore. There are so many more delicious and less expensive Italian restaurants in the East Village. Don’t get suckered by the way these places look on the outside because inside the food is only decent at best.
Wo treffe ich die nettesten Leute? Adam Green:
Metropolis Clothing Store (43 3rd. Ave) For some reason nice people are always hanging around this store. I think that it’s because the people who work there are really nice. There is a guy named Ethan who plays in a jazz band who could probably introduce you to some people. Tell him I sent you. – 23.05.2008